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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blog 1 CALL January 14, 2010 Previous CALL experience

Dear TESOL bloggers,

It is January 12, 2010, the beginning of my last semester in the MA program in Applied Linguistics/TESOL at University of Illinois at Chicago. I will chronicle my journey into CALL-land for TESOL, bringing to the blog screen questions, concerns, debates and 'Aha! moments' as they occur. I not only appreciate, but I expect you, the readers, to contribute your own constructive comments, ideas and suggestions. All for one and one for all!

I have extensive experience with Blackboard Discussion Board, Voice Board, Grade Center, posting items and web links, as faculty in university courses. I've dabbled in Dreamweaver, Jing and Hot Potatoes. Clearly, I have a long way to go!

My primary concern in CALL class is to KISS *keep it simple schweetheart* so that CALL projects are user-friendly and allow for minimal interference when students are accessing the site and doing the project.

One of my main questions is how to set up EFFECTIVE group projects. What have you, my readers, experienced in terms of successful, or UNsuccessful group projects, or even solo CALL projects?

Looking forward to learning the software and sharing my observations and questions with you!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had a great answer for EFFECTIVE group or solo projects using CALL. I, too, am searching for that answer. My guess is that during the course of the semester, we will come up with some great ideas of what to do and not to do. I agree that things should be kept simple, and not interfere with learning, simply complement it. Also, looking forward to learning more!
