My project target audience is high intermediate to low advanced university French conversation and/or composition classes. Students will each post their final projects to a class Wikispaces page. This will include a summarized text of their presentation, embedded power points, images. My first intent is for them to display and share their hard work with their colleagues. The second objective is for them to use the target language in negotiating the questions they will use for the jeopardy game, in what order they will list their projects, which special links or graphics or media they will include. The third objective is for them to 'teach' (i.e. communicate successfully to) each other, so there will be a short exam in the form of jeopardy to test salient points at the end of the semester based on the information they post to assess their success. Units of study from which they will present will be in business issues or current events, historical units such as Charles De Gaulle/WWII/the French RĂ©sistance, colonization (Indochina, Africa, Caribbean), francophone culture or history, New Wave film genre, contemporary film to name a few areas of research.
Lisa, overall this is a great project idea. However, you need to explain why you're having them use wikis as opposed to a web page or a blog. Wiki's make the most sense when you have them work in teams and collaborate, but I can't tell from your post if group work is part of your project idea.